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Podcast: Ann Nguyen on Practicing Across State Lines In An Emergency

Date of Publication

August 23, 2022

Focus Area
Health and Long-Term Care Workforce

As the COVID-19 epidemic hit the United States, New Jersey was an early hotspot with medical offices closing down, people encouraged to stay at home, and extreme pressure on the health system. The state of New Jersey adopted emergency rules to permit providers from out of state to care for people in New Jersey. This had many implications.

Ann Nguyen from Rutgers University joins A Health Podyssey to discuss what happens when you suspend interstate barriers to medical practice. Nguyen and coauthors published a paper in the August edition of Health Affairs exploring the results of a survey administered to practitioners who received licenses through New Jersey's COVID-19 temporary emergency licensure program.

They found that these practitioners met two very important needs: urgent hospital-based care and telehealth-based care.

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