New Jersey Population Health Cohort (NJHealth) Study

The NJHealth Study, launched in 2022 as the New Jersey Population Health Cohort Study, seeks to improve understanding of how life events and stress affect health, particularly within historically disadvantaged groups, multigenerational families, and immigrant groups.
The study will enroll about 8,000 participants from across New Jersey, with an emphasis on historically disadvantaged groups, multigenerational families, and immigrant groups, including: Asian Indian, Chinese, Dominican, Filipino, Haitian, Jamaican, Korean, Mexican, Nigerian, and refugees/asylees.
The study is led by Joel C. Cantor, ScD, Distinguished Professor and director of the Rutgers Institute for Health’s Center for State Health Policy and is funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences (RBHS) and the State of New Jersey.
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