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About Ms. Kratzman

Administrative Staff

Christina Kratzman, MI, MA, is an Information Management Specialist at the Rutgers Center for State Health Policy. She is experienced in metadata, institutional knowledge management, and user-interface design, and focuses much of her work on user experience strategies for increasing the visibility, searchability, and general accessibility of the Center’s research portfolio for both internal and external stakeholders. This work includes creating and implementing taxonomies and cataloging and metadata standards. Ongoing project work includes developing sustainable information storage and retrieval workflows for faculty and staff, as well as guiding user interface design for the new CSHP website and preparing metadata for the migration of content to the new site. Prior to joining the Center in 2022, Ms. Kratzman had a career as a high school educator and was a Klingenstein Fellow at Teachers’ College, Columbia University. She earned her B.A. in Hispanic Studies from Bates College, her M.A. in Spanish Linguistics from Middlebury College, and her Master of Information degree from Rutgers University.