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Association of Continuous Medicaid Eligibility During COVID-19 with Postpartum Coverage and Health Care Use (HD4A)

Principal Investigator: Eliason, Erica
Funding Agency: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF)
Sponsor: AcademyHealth
Project Dates: 2024 - 2026
Contact Information: Please, use our contact form for inquiries.
Status: Active

This project is funded under the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s research program, “Health Data for Action (HD4A),” which makes valuable data from unique data owners available to researchers to answer important research questions. The goal of the study is to explore the impact of continuous postpartum Medicaid coverage eligibility under the March 2020 Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) on postpartum enrollment and health care use. Using T-MSIS TAF data, the study seeks to examine the impact of the FFCRA continuous Medicaid coverage provisions on postpartum Medicaid retention and health care utilization, particularly among racially and ethnically minoritized groups, individuals with severe maternal morbidity, and individuals with Emergency Medicaid. The research team will use TAF data from the 15 included states, aggregated at the state-month level, to examine outcomes for Medicaid enrollees who gave birth between January 2019-June 2021. They will employ rigorous econometric methods to identify the effects of extended postpartum Medicaid eligibility during the FFCRA on postpartum enrollment and health care use. Deliverables will include a project work plan and final narrative. The researchers will also produce paper(s) suitable for publication and present findings at national research meetings and to other stakeholder audiences as appropriate, including policymakers at the federal, state, and local levels and other key stakeholders, as part of the deliverables for this grant.