Evaluation of New Jersey Health Initiative Expecting Success: Excellence in Cardiac Care
This project is a multifaceted evaluation of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's New Jersey Health Initiatives Expecting Success: Excellence in Cardiac Care (NJHI ES). The goals of NJHI ES are to improve congestive heart failure care for African Americans and Latinos in New Jersey, to develop replicable quality improvement to strategies and models, to encourage the spread of these strategies and models outside of cardiac care, and to disseminate relevant lessons to policy and provider audiences. CSHP will 1) track New Jersey state policy related to hospital quality and provide a communication link with the New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services, 2) provide a descriptive analysis of NJHI ES applicants and grantees compared to other NJ hospitals, 3) track congestive heart failure scores released by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services and analyze the progress of grantee hospitals in contrast with appropriate comparison groups, and 4) document project implementation through qualitative analysis.