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Nurses Collaborating with People of All Ages with Disabilities

Principal Investigator: Quinn, Winifred V.
Funding Agency: New Jersey Department of Human Services (NJDHS), Division of Disability Services
Project Dates: 2004 - 2004
Contact Information: Please, use our contact form for inquiries.
Status: Past

The Division of Disability Services in the NJ Department of Human Services asked the Center for State Health Policy to organize a Summit in order to convene their Office, the NJ Board of Nursing, Consumers, members from the Oregon Board of Nursing, Oregon's Office of Licensing and Quality of Care, and several experts in the area of nurse delegation and consumer-directed care. The purpose of this Summit was for the Division of Disability Services to present their proposal to the Board of Nursing of a pilot program for Nurses Collaborating with Consumers who Live in the Community. In addition to organizing the Summit, the PI was responsible for drafting the concept of the Pilot Program.