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Professional Partners Supporting Family Caregiving

Principal Investigator: Yedidia, Michael J.
Funding Agency: AARP
Project Dates: 2007 - 2008
Contact Information: Please, use our contact form for inquiries.
Status: Past

The goal of this project is to establish priorities among family caregiver needs that can be effectively addressed by nurses and social workers. The aim is to provide evidence for assessing gaps in existing best practices, making priorities among areas for further development, and informing future provider training and curriculum development so as to improve the interface between family and professional caregivers. Three outcomes will be produced by this research: a firsthand view of the needs of caregivers; responses of nursing and social work professionals on how those needs can be addressed; and a consensus among providers and consumers on priorities for professional support of caregivers. With collaboration of the AARP, the American Journal of Nursing, and Council on Social Work Education and funding from the John A. Hartford Foundation, the research will inform a broad initiative for supporting family caregivers.
