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ReThink Health Dynamics Simulation Model Data Assembly and Analysis

Principal Investigator: Lloyd, Kristen
Funding Agency: Fannie E. Rippel Foundation
Project Dates: 2012 - 2012
Contact Information: Please, use our contact form for inquiries.
Status: Past

CSHP is providing data on health status, health risks, utilization, and cost for the Morristown Hospital Referral Region (HRR). Using a variety of publicly available data sources as well as data from the Center's New Jersey Family Health Survey and NJ Physician Census, population data on these characteristics by subgroups of analytic interest [Age (Youth, Working Age, Senior); Insurance status (Insured, Uninsured); and Above/below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level] and for the HRR as a whole, will be compiled to inform the ReThink Health Simulation Model. This model is designed to develop a regional understanding of the health system and stimulate new thinking about how to build the health care system of the future.
