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Health Care Plan Responses to Medicaid Managed Care Policy in New York City

Date of Publication
Spring, 2000
Publication Type
Journal Article
Paid Access
Nearly all states in the United States have instituted managed care programs to serve Medicaid recipients and are developing policies to increase program participation. State practices regarding managed care contracting, premiums, and enrollment have implications for whether managed care plans will respond in a manner consistent with overall state policy objectives for the Medicaid managed care program. The experience of expanding the Medicaid managed care program in New York City, where the number of Medicaid beneficiaries exceeds the number in all but three states, has provided an interesting opportunity to look at the relationship between Medicaid managed care policy and plan enrollment. This paper analyzes trends in Medicaid managed care enrollment in New York City from January 1991 to September 1998, a period of critical changes in Medicaid managed care policy in New York.