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New Jersey Family Health Survey (NJFHS)

Principal Investigator: Brownlee, Susan
Funding Agency: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF)
Project Dates: 2007 - Present
Contact Information: Please, use our contact form for inquiries.
Status: Past

A 2009 survey of a representative sample of 2,500 New Jersey families gathered data on: Health insurance coverage; Health care access, utilization, and satisfaction with special emphasis on emergency department use, health literacy, and the doctor-patient relationship; Health-related behaviors and perceptions including physical activity and nutrition; Health status and attitudes about health care; Demographic, socioeconomic, and employment characteristics. The 2009 NJFHS interviews were conducted by landline and wireless telephones. The sample was designed to enable in-depth analysis of two groups of special policy interest: young adults and low-income families. Sampling weights assure that the NJFHS is demographically representative of all New Jersey household residents. The 2009 NJFHS provides an update of the 2001 New Jersey Family Health Survey on key measures of the health and health care of New Jersey residents.
